O, M and myself were all out in various parts of the back garden when it happened. O had bought the dogs pigs ears as a treat. Winstone had finished his in a wolfish gulp and tried to coax Bandit into parting with some of his by tugging at it while eating. Bandit dont take kindly to big pup's stealing his food so a snarl and a bite turned into a nasty - savage even - barking and snapping occurence that had all of us there turning and shouting and running to break up the fight before there was any wounding done. Tinsel got there first. As a cat, even though large, she is smaller then Bandit by half and a quarter the size of the kelpie pup. Without blinking she jumped onto the beagle's back and hung there by the claws while she hissed and yelled and leapt onto the kelpie scratching and biting all the while. The dogs immedieately stopped in deep surprise - as did the rest of us - so she jumps between them, snarling and rushing at each in turn so that they run away - in opposite directions. Unnoticed in the true melee, Louise the poodle trots through calmly and makes off with the contested ear.
Flumoxxed with our cat.