30 September 2007
Equine Flu
Despite almost two months of strict quarantine after two of ours (Cedar and Mac) went to Carrols Ranch and then managed to avoid the flu until this week. Despite quarantine measures even the vets are saying it is airborne. Made the local news our outbreak did being apparently the closest outbreak to Newcastle. Keisha got it first, followed by Mac, and by the end of the week everyone had it. Luckily it seems amazingly mild. No one is off their food. Hopefully it will pass safely.
23 September 2007
Bandit the Beautiful Beagle 1995-2007 RIP
Oh, we were all out when somehow you wandered onto the main road on Lawson Avenue and got hit by a car about 9.30 pm last night. The RSPCA ambulance was called, they tried to help you. But your injuries were too severe. I picked your little body up this morning. We all stood around your fresh grave in the orchard as we laaid your life to rest. you will always be with us in our hearts and thoughts. Clever, funny, adorable friend. Say hi to Edwina. Love you, your family. Louise and Win are distraught also.

02 September 2007
Carol's One Day Event Aug 07
O and Cedar had a great round here - came 13th overall in Introductory. Very pleasing. Less pleasing was the Equine Influenza outbreak that focussed here after somehow getting out of quarantine in Sydney. Luckily our six horses remain EI free two weeks later though the CFields are under a quarantine order for 50 days (because we were at Carol's Ranch then). We are luckier than many other there that day.
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