31 December 2008

24 December 2008

New fences

You can actually see the line of the old fence - diagonal to the new (only half-painted at the left at this stage) running towards the camera marked by yellow daisies. The fence affected the grazing / mowing pattern. Billy on the left, Win on the right.
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11 December 2008

Louise is a little better

After weeks of laying down on the rug inside, and having to be carried outside for "wetties" Louise is getting around on her own. She had her pins taken out of her broken pelvis, and within two days she's hobbling around everywhere. Really enthusiastically, and like smiling, like kind of really relieved she can walk again. Not well. She still needs hobbles so her back legs dont splay out. But maybe as she gets stronger she wont need those anymore. Fingers crossed. Good girl.

16 November 2008

Louise run over!

Oh no, will the anguish our pets suffer never end. Poor Louise. 12 years old. Rather deaf. Asleep on the driveway and didnt get out of the way of the reversing ute our fence-builder was driving. He was very upset. Poor love, broken pelvis and surger for two pins to hold your leg bones on. Three weeks later and you still cant walk. Hops about a bit but lays down all day. Must hurt. Well you are an inside poodle now! Get well soon.

15 November 2008

Post and Rail

What better way to dress up the place than with some post a rail fencing? Not cheap, but looks great. Half way through it.

And we now have a little dam over the other side so we dont need to siphon water over from the dam to the bath tubs.

24 July 2008

Evie's adventures

O competed at Scone in May and at Berimah in June. Came 6th and 5th. Looking forward to competing in Sydney in July when the DAY BEFORE the competition, in our new yards, she decides to "follow" O who was walking over to Cedar's paddock and jumped the 1.8m yard fence - from a standing start! - and got stuck with the back legs still in the yard off the ground, and her from parts on the ground outside the yard. Evie was creaming in pain. O was screaming in panic that she might die. And everyone, neighbours (thanks L) M and me all running around tryingto think of how to get her off BEFORE SHE DIES! I got the circular saw fromt he garage and enough extension cord to reach. Sawed through four boards and got her off. Police arrived, just in case. M called 000. THey called off the SES. Newcastle Herald photographer arrived and chatted with O. 2KO rang. They'd heard a horse was impaled on a fence. She wasnt impaled but that was the worst case the 000 operator discussed with the emergency services.

The vet came - bruises, lacerations, but nothing broken. Antibiotics and she should be good for riding again soon. But of course the competition was off teh following day losing $190 in fees - for Evie and Cedar.\\

WE replaced the four rails the following day. Luckily we had spares from the recent building of them.

05 April 2008

Cats against the wall

Stop hassling us dogs!
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Riding Lessons

Mickey and Panda enjoying the morning.
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New Dog

Meet Bronco, or TinTin. Wiating for the new 2 yearold's name to grow on us. Welcome aboard son.
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Postscript: we have named him "Billy"

Alexander Park Dressage


Evie du Jour and O competing at the first Dressage event since the EI outbreak - also Evie's first ever event. Did ok. O also competed on Cedar.
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27 February 2008

New Cat

We have a new kitten. A little boy 8 weeks old called Panda. (He's black and white). And the sweetest little cuddly cat person we've ever encountered. The dogs love him and he loves to play running up and down the back verandah with them. Louise, our elderly poodle, is getting all maternal on him.

Update: More recently (Late March) he's grown so and is taken to SWIMMING in the dam!