O competed at Scone in May and at Berimah in June. Came 6th and 5th. Looking forward to competing in Sydney in July when the DAY BEFORE the competition, in our new yards, she decides to "follow" O who was walking over to Cedar's paddock and jumped the 1.8m yard fence - from a standing start! - and got stuck with the back legs still in the yard off the ground, and her from parts on the ground outside the yard. Evie was creaming in pain. O was screaming in panic that she might die. And everyone, neighbours (thanks L) M and me all running around tryingto think of how to get her off BEFORE SHE DIES! I got the circular saw fromt he garage and enough extension cord to reach. Sawed through four boards and got her off. Police arrived, just in case. M called 000. THey called off the SES. Newcastle Herald photographer arrived and chatted with O. 2KO rang. They'd heard a horse was impaled on a fence. She wasnt impaled but that was the worst case the 000 operator discussed with the emergency services.
The vet came - bruises, lacerations, but nothing broken. Antibiotics and she should be good for riding again soon. But of course the competition was off teh following day losing $190 in fees - for Evie and Cedar.\\
WE replaced the four rails the following day. Luckily we had spares from the recent building of them.