31 December 2008

24 December 2008

New fences

You can actually see the line of the old fence - diagonal to the new (only half-painted at the left at this stage) running towards the camera marked by yellow daisies. The fence affected the grazing / mowing pattern. Billy on the left, Win on the right.
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11 December 2008

Louise is a little better

After weeks of laying down on the rug inside, and having to be carried outside for "wetties" Louise is getting around on her own. She had her pins taken out of her broken pelvis, and within two days she's hobbling around everywhere. Really enthusiastically, and like smiling, like kind of really relieved she can walk again. Not well. She still needs hobbles so her back legs dont splay out. But maybe as she gets stronger she wont need those anymore. Fingers crossed. Good girl.