31 October 2013

Louise The Poodle RIP

We have left Cedars Fields about a month ago, settled on a new place 200 kms north, on the edge of a locally imposing mountain, next to state forest and national park. The area is beautiful. While our bigger dogs stayed at the kennels, Louise our now 17 year old poodle stayed with us in the caravan. It was hot, she dehydrated, and like Edwina our old Siamese some years ago, went quickly downhill. We had to put her down last Monday. She seemed on the brink of recovery but her last night was clearly in pain, so we did what we didnt want to do. What killed us, to do. All who knew her cried, many like little kids. She was that kind of dog. So, sadly she didnt get to know this new place that well, though she did have a few explores. We picked a sunny spot in a field overlooking the valley and close to the house. We can see her cairn of stones every day. Goodbye dearest pet. Say hi to Bandit, Panda and Edwina in heaven. Bandit will introduce you to Milo. xxxx