04 July 2006

Cedars Fields

My wife and I both work demanding jobs. To get over that we have some rural acres on the southern floodplain of the Hunter River in New South Wales. Not far from the freeway to Newcastle and all points north and south.

Our kids are almost grown up students with their own cars. We all park our collection of utes, sedans, motorbike and tractor either in the garage or on the driveway nearby. A horsefloat is near the radio shack away from the house by the second dam and the frog pond. There are four horses, including our daughter's warmblood/stockhorse Cedar, who we named the farm after. After all it was her agistment needs that help pay for the place. The other is our miniature, Mickey, and two other agistees. Older, smart, horses.

We also have four weaner cows. I forget their breed! Part angus, part something starting with L. Limosin I think.

There is a new working dog joining our two house dogs (beagle and poodle). He is a red kelpie who still has that baby smell. So everyone wants him to sleep in their beds. Unheard of for the other dogs who sleep outside (in a nice sheltered kennel). They like to play with him too though.

We love the view. It's hard to tear ourselves away from. We are always late for work!

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